On August 4, 2014...
Mum posted a note for Olga that says:
I hope you have an eventful journey and a good night at Gordon's place. Say "Hello" to him for me.
I will be thinking of you tomorrow. Let me know how it was when you are feeling up to it and have the time...
Love You...Mum
Olga Landry  Thank You Mum.
I will call you when I can. Daniel and I had a good evening at Gordon's. I will tell ... Read more
On August 4, 2014...
a. wendy posted a note for Olga that says:
saw how you are leaving today, hope your trip has wonderful weather and good luck for tomorrow i will think of y ou at 8:30 am and as you are waking up, it will be over in now time, blink of an eye. and let us know how it all went and especially how you are feeling. xxx w
Olga Landry  I'm just going for the heart catherazation I will be awake for it. They don't put you to sleep.

Tha ... Read more
Olga Landry  I'm just going for the heart catherazation I will be awake for it. They don't put you to sleep.

Tha ... Read more
On August 2, 2014...
Mum posted a note for Olga that says:
I've finally got round to visiting your sight! I will keep it up now, you're doing well.Who would have thought 41 years ago that you would have been posting your progress and sharing with so many people on a computer? I wonder if I would have done the same when you had your first surgery, or when you were born for that matter?
On August 1, 2014...
pamela mcdermid posted a note for Olga that says:
oops, i think i hit the wrong key and don't know what happened to my first message to your guest book! i am a friend of your Aunt Wendy and first met you when you were a tiny girl, i think before your 2nd heart surgery. wendy and i were at university together and have known each other since before your cousin Emma was born! Wendy keeps me up to date on all of her family including you of course and i am so glad that you seem to have found really good doctors who are taking good care of you and that you are going to be having the surgery that your heart needs to be the best it can be. how marvellous that you are keeping a journal of the experiences. I think of you and will send positive energy your way with wishes for continued cheerful days and good thoughts and wellness
Olga Landry  Hello Pam. I didn't now who you were at first. I thought you were Pam King. I spoke to my Mum and ask ... Read more
On July 31, 2014...
M'Shelle Dixon posted a note for Olga that says:

I'm leaving for a week to direct a youth camp called "habits For Life" at BYU so I wanted to wish you well beforehand with your upcoming procedure. You and Daniel are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you and know all will go well. Xoxo
On July 26, 2014...
Auntie Wendy posted a note for Olga that says:
It's lovely to see you writing here Olga and I wish you lots of luck and love in 2 weeks when you have the first procedure done. I think you would be getting tired for sure. Try to sit down and take a rest while at work, and take your regular breaks. xxxxx
On July 25, 2014...
Gary posted a note for Olga that says:
Hi Olga!

Is a great idea you writing and sharing this journal! Thanks for inviting me! Was good to talk to you the other day! Speak soon!
Olga Landry  Hi Gary.
It was nice talking to you the other date as well.updates from me. to make sure your kept up ... Read more
On July 22, 2014...
Terrie posted a note for Olga that says:
Olga- Noticed you were asking about Eleanor and seemed worried.
Her daughter posted for her(She is home recovering) so look at the Journal entry in the Heart valve Journals that says "Surgery a success" posted by caregiver and daughter". This is Eleanor's daughter posting about her!
She wrote on July 20th. to us.
Great news!
On July 22, 2014...
Terrie posted a note for Olga that says:
Hi Olga. Just read your post and happy to hear you will be getting your Cath out of the way soon.
Just one more step forward for you and your beautiful heart.
It will tell your surgeon what he/she needs to know to make you well again.
As others have said(and myself as well) experiences with the cath are that normally it is going to be rather fast and over with before you know it. Hardest part is sitting still long enough for it to be safe to let you out to go home!
It helped me that my husband sat in the room most of the time talking to me or just listen to me babble on and on about how surprised I was that it went so quickly and Yeah it was over with and boy I am going to take a nap when I get home because like most everyone I had made it out to be far worse an experience than it actually was.
The nurses and technicians are the "Best" so just chat with them and you will be more at ease as they wheel you off to get this important procedure done. You will be fine/DO GREAT.
Take care-
On July 22, 2014...
Mia (Mary) posted a note for Olga that says:
Good morning Olga,

So nice to hear from you. I worked 11 hour days last week as my assistant director, who s my sister was on vacation . So I didnot post on my journal.

Hope your more at ease about your heart cath . You will be fine. After I got home I rested and it took four days until I felt like returning to work. The only thing I felt during the procedure was a little tugging .

I will have a family member post to my journal after my surgery. That way our heart family will not worry about me.

Hope to hear how Eleanor is?

I love all the great friends that we have made. A big thank you to Adam!

How are you feeling today?
Take it easy, and remember the heart cath will be a breeze. Like Terrie mentioned the heart cath gives so much information on how your beautiful heart is working.

Wishing you a beautiful Tuesday!

Talk to you soon!

On July 21, 2014...
Mary (Mia) posted a note for Olga that says:
Good morning Olga.

Hope you have a great Monday.I think of you, Ginger, Terri, Eleanor, and all our friends in this wonderful heart community.

I will write later, have a wonderful day.
Try not to worry, I know it is hard.

Love your heart sister,
Olga Landry  Hi Mary it good to hear from you agai. I was starting to get worried about you. I am also hoping that ... Read more
On July 17, 2014...
AngieG. posted a note for Olga that says:
Hi Olga, just want you to know that I value your visit here with us. I wish you all the best, and quick recovery on this surgery. I love you my friend.
On July 16, 2014...
Debra Porter posted a note for Olga that says:
Hi Olga!

What a good idea. Glad you got home OK. Talk to you soon. Debra
Olga Landry  Yes It was a great trip I am glad I got to see you. Please make sure you click on you want update by ... Read more
On July 16, 2014...
Karen Pineda posted a note for Olga that says:
Hi Olga,

I have been fatigued and tired for a long while, even before the cardiologist told me that it just might be time to start planning for surgery. But NOW, the tired and fatigue is even worse. One of the things I experience is drops in my blood pressure when my heart works hard, as in exertion. BUT also stress. Stress increases your heart rate just as exercise does and that is exhausting. So it makes sense that you might feel tired in ways that you didn't before. After all, you weren't planning heart surgery before seeing the cardiologist. It's mentally and physically exhausting.

Good luck to you. I'll be watching your journal and praying for a successful surgery for you.

On July 15, 2014...
Bob Osmachenko posted a note for Olga that says:
Olga, good to see your journal. I was thinkiing about you. Talking about your issues is a good thing.... releases stress and anxiety.

It's easy for me to say "don't stress" and "it will be fine" but that is not fair to you. It is ok to be tired and like Terrie said it is a function of your condition and upcoming surgery. Rome wasn't built in a day and it is going to take most of your time to process this situation and make sense of it. Then you will have your surgery and won't remember any of it because you were sleeping. So if you remember Woodstock then you weren't there! Tsk Tsk.

I found the Cath lab to be totally painless and uneventful. The hardest part for me was laying still for the clot in the artery to form after the exam (4 hours). I didn't feel the actual procedure, it was that smooth but I sure did like the sedative that was administered. It felt so right. It is important to maintain the clot after the treatment and they will tell you why.

I also found that the treatment seemed to wake up or change something in my heart because I am more cognizant of palpitations and heart load. I have a lot more palpitations and seem more sensitive to them. Right now, it is very smokey in the air due to fires and the weather is hot 35 celsius or 95 F and I am feeling it. What a shock!

Lastly, one has to wonder how our condition(s) have affected oxygen levels, brain function, sleeping patterns and physiology in general. You grow with it ( boiling a frog example) and don't ever know how things could be different if you had a strong functioning heart.
Go easy on the studying, researching and thinking.....
On July 15, 2014...
M'Shelle & Sean Dixon posted a note for Olga that says:
This is so nice to be able to read about what is going on with you Olga. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you! Sean and M'Shelle
Olga Landry  Thank you for your friendship as well it means so much to me,
I just wanted to let you now to make su ... Read more
On July 15, 2014...
Terrie posted a note for Olga that says:
Olga- Being tired is a big part of the symptoms you are having with your heart maybe wanting you to take it a little easier . It is probably all of the questions you have and things you are learning that are also helping to make you tired as this is what stress does to the body.
I think you will feel a little better once you have had your heart "cath" on the 16th because your surgeon will be able to tell you all about what your heart is doing and how they will fix it! It is a good thing to have all of the information that the "cath" gives them arms them with all the facts about your special heart.
I hope that you will try to keep from worrying as much if you can as the more you worry the harder it is on that heart of yours! So do your best to think about how many hearts your surgeon sees just like yours and helps make better so you can get back to the things in life important to you.
Try to be patient and feel that you are not alone and that many of us out here are going through the same feelings and having the same thoughts and concerns that you are having.
It is time for you to be kind to yourself and let them do the tests that help them help you!
The heart Cath is not as bad as you will imagine. It goes rather fast and is just a bit uncomfortable. If I am not mistaken you have a job where you help people every day. Now people will be there to help you. The cath will go the same way. The hardest part is having to be still until you can go home but even that goes quickly if you have someone with you to talk to while you are waiting. If no one is with you Olga, the staff and nurses are always nearby and they will talk with you and make sure you are comfortable. Remember it is just one more step to getting a better heart!
So, I wish you well and hope you try to feel confident on the way we are all headed(Surgery)so that you will feel less tired and have more good energy when your surgery comes.
Take Care fellow Heart Sister.
Olga Landry  Yes I do work with seniors. Funny how you mention that . When I work with the seniors now when I do s ... Read more
On July 10, 2014...
Ginger posted a note for Olga that says:
Just a quick note to say I enjoyed your positive post and am glad you are feeling more comfortable.
Grand that you have such a wonderful husband.

May you learn more and relax more in the process!
On July 10, 2014...
Mary (Mia) posted a note for Olga that says:
Hello my heart sister Olga,

I read your post today. I am glad that you introduced yourself to the heart community.

I know this is a journey that brings us lots of ups and downs. Hopefully more ups!
I am doing the count up to 42 with Ginger. Today is my count up day of 10. By day 42 Ginger and I will be home again relaxing, eating ice cream and
texting our heart family.

Text me whenever you feel like it, would love to hear from you!

Take care and hope you have a wonderful night.
Hugs from Mia (Mary)

I am so glad that you have such an awesome husband. My husband Joe and I have been married 39 years. He tries to keep me up beat. We have two sons. They are grown up!

This heart community is amazing, and am so thankful to have connected with so many wonderful people.

Olga Landry  Hello Mary. I still can't find your journal. I just read your message you left on Ginger site. Like I ... Read more
On July 9, 2014...
Ginger in Oz posted a note for Olga that says:
I posted some of the songs l really like to listen to that I consider uplifting in my journal just now.

You might want to check out a few to see if they are helpful.

I hope you will enjoy them!
Olga Landry  Thank you Ginger.
To let you now I have called my Cardiologist to find out he on holiday till July 1 ... Read more
On July 8, 2014...
Bob Osmachenko posted a note for Olga that says:
Hi Olga. Welcome to the site. I am a newcomer as well and find everyone helpful and full of information/advice. it is a great place to be when you are having a grievous moment.
I understand others telling you to "take it easy". I am finding that with my wife always watching me now that I have an identified condition. I have backed off on some of my activities like the gym and golfing. I have also curtailed my volunteer activities as well. It is better safe than sorry and so why push the envelope.
My diagnosis came as a surprise to me and so the last few weeks have been getting used to the idea that I need surgery. As time goes on, It looks like it will be more than a few weeks of thinking and grieving this big change in my life.
One point I would like to emphasize is (from reading some of your posts) that this is a personal journey for you and nobody can make you feel anything else. Don't let other people tell you how to feel or act because this is your journey and you own it. We're here to help.
Be well, talk soon.
Olga Landry  Hello Bob.
Welcome to this site. I have found this to be a great support to me. It nice to now you a ... Read more
On July 8, 2014...
Ginger (in the Land of Oz) posted a note for Olga that says:
Yes Ginger is Ginger of OZ is Ginger French. My surgery date is July 31. But it is only one day of my life. I am not counting down to my surgery date, It seems a little bit morbid. So I am Counting UP to the day I should be home. That makes today Day 8 in my count up to 42. Because my end goal is not to have the surgery, my goal is to have the surgery, the ICU, and the hospital behind and get to go home. I doubt that by Counting Up to 42 I will miss my surgery altogether! ;o) But I know if I want to have a healthier life, I have to have this surgery. In fact, my stenosis is bad enough that I am praying nothing changes before the surgery.
I recommend you looking at what you will do and how you will feel when your heart problem has been corrected. I'm Counting Up to day 42, but I am also counting UP to the day I am home and can work at healing, resting, be out of all the medical stuff except taking good care of myself.

Olga, why don't you write down all the questions you have for your cardiologist, then find out if you can call the office with them, sent a letter with them, or what. Because the fear is more than likely due to the unknown. This is a great place to learn. See the place on the Blue Bar up above for Learning Center. Why not go there and see if some of your questions are already answered, learn about what is going on. You can also type the main words for the question in the right top white bar and try to get answers.

I think I am a bit older than you, and maybe my road to getting here is different, but we are both having heart valve surgery.

I am not afraid because I have faith, because I believe I have good doctors and surgeons, and because I know I will do everything in my power to get home and recover.

Think about it. What good does fear do? Nothing. So get rid of it. Write it on a rock and throw it into a lake, give it to God in prayer, learn so you have the answers and that will help to decrease your fear.

So my plan is to learn all I can about the procedures and things I still have ahead of me so I will not be afraid, then to try to calmly as possible go through them knowing that before long I will be home and can start on the next leg of this trip.

Good luck to you!
Olga Landry  Thank you Ginger for your input. I agree I think it the fear of the unknown.
I have called my surgeo ... Read more
On June 30, 2014...
Terrie posted a note for Olga that says:
Hello Olga.
It is good that you are out walking but take care not to overdo it!
The time from when you learn your heart is in trouble to surgery Is exactly like "Poof"! Amazing how fast the days go by. We all feel overwhelmed as this is a giant change in our lives.
The fact that you work icaring for people should make it easier for you to go through this experience but this time you will need to let people help you!
I see your cath is scheduled for Aug. 5th. You will be amazed at how smooth this procedure goes and how quickly.
And then the greatness of it all that your Dr.s will know everything they need to know about your beautiful heart so they can fix it so that you can go on living your life.
I hope things go well for you and that you keep posting on your journal and reading everyone else's to see how you are not alone!
Take care and many prayers headed your way from your heart-sisters and heart -brothers!
Olga Landry  Hello Terri.
It was nice hearing from you.
I was pretty busy last week I was in Ontario. That where I ... Read more
On June 27, 2014...
Ginger (in the Land of Oz) posted a note for Olga that says:
I was born with my heart defect, so I understand that feeling of not thinking about it but having it hanging over your head all the time.

Then it is like Poof! The time to get it done arrives and even know I have known about it for a long time, when the someday comes, it is still rather overwhelming!

I noticed your question about finding the rest of someone's journal. At the top of the page on the Journal tab it will tell you how many pages there are and which page you are on. That way you don't end up looking for pages that don't exist.

Take care and hope all is well with you.
Olga Landry  Hi Ginger.
It Mary Myers jornal I can't find the pages to her jornal. Actully I can't even find her ... Read more
Olga Landry  Hello Ginger.
I haven't herd from you in a while.
I have seen a Ginger Journal pop up and I wonder if ... Read more
On June 27, 2014...
Mary posted a note for Olga that says:
Olga, this is Mary. Try going to the top of the page and see if you selexr my story or my journal. Hopefully my.story comes up for you.

How are you doing? I received some nice messages from our heart family last night.
The weather here in michigan is gorgeous today. I had my preschoolers outside enjoying this amazing weather.

Have a great Friday!!
Olga Landry  Hello Mary,

It is a beautiful day here as well.
I miss working with children though I do like workin ... Read more
On June 26, 2014...
Mary (Mia) posted a note for Olga that says:
Hello Olga,

Nice to hear from you. This is the first time that I will be having heart surgery. I love children and senior citizens. I imagine that you do a lot of lifting with your patients. I actually took today off.

Please try to find me on the journal, as I went back in today and posted,

The medical workup will include:chest xray, blood work, talking to anesthesiologists, doctors and not sure what else. The plan is for my surgery to ill be done noninvasive.

I continue to search for all information that will help myself and others as we begin this journey. I am glad to have friends that understand what I am thinking, etc.

Please write whenever you want!
Have a magnificent day!

Your Heart Sister,
Olga Landry  Hello Mary.
I haven't herd from you in a while. How are you doing?
I am back from Ontario. I have ano ... Read more
On June 25, 2014...
Ginger posted a note for Olga that says:
I am too close and not far enough away. I learned a week ago today that my heart cath is on July 29 (Mary's big day) then surgery for me is July 31. Too much to do and not enough energy to do it all!
Hope all is great with you! Glad you got a cath date!
On June 25, 2014...
Mary posted a note for Olga that says:

Its Mary! I am glad that you now have a date for your heart catherization. Like I mentioned in my text the other day, all will be fine with the heart cath. The cath will give the doctors all sorts of important information and measurements.

Hope you are having a good day!
On June 24, 2014...
Mary Myers posted a note for Olga that says:
Hello Olga,

It was so nice to receive your email today.
My surgery date is scheduled for July 29th. I will have a medical work up done on July 28th.

I definetely am very nervous about having the surgery done. Am so thankful to have found this great group of friends that understand what I am going through.

In answer to your question whether the heart cath was painful. ( I really did not feel any pain during the procedure.) I was comfortable during the procedure. I felt a little tugging in the groin area. Other than that it was fine.
I must have been in the sleepy stage when they put the needle in the groin area, as I did not feel that. I could answer questions if the doctor asked but was more like in and out of sleeping.

My procedure took about an hour and a half. The one thing that surprised me was that I had to lay flat for three hours.
That seemed long. Once that time was up, I was able to have lunch, and was released to go home about six hours after the procedure.

I did have some bruising in the groin area, was restricted to no lifting of five pounds or more, no steps, and basically just lay low for three days.

My leg had some discomfort and just took tylenol to relieve the discomfort.
I am a childcare provider/preschool teacher and returned back to work five days after the procedure.
So my feeling is relax, try not to worry and you will be fine.
I do encourage you to get the book. After reading it I felt like I had a better knowledge and this book gave me comfort, encouragement.

As far as open heart surgery, you might not have to have the open heart procedure. There are so many more non-invasive ways to perform valve surgeries. I am sure your surgeon can explain his plan.

I hope that you are feeling more at ease about the heart cath. Please let me know if you have any other questions that maybe I can answer.

There are going to be ups and downs as our friend (Ginger mentioned). We have a new network of friends to help us during the ups and downs. Please feel free to text me at anytime.

Have a good night, sleep well and hope to hear from you soon.

Hugs to you from my heart!

Olga Landry  Hello Mary.

Thank you for replying to my question,

I am a personal care giver. I work in a senor c ... Read more
On June 24, 2014...
Mary Myers posted a note for Olga that says:
Hello Olga,

Thank you for responding to my message.
I also had the heart catherization and it is a great way to find additional information.
You can find my story: just look up Mary Myers, Sterling Heights, Mi.

Looking forward to hearing from you again.
Have a wonderful day.
Olga Landry  Hi Mary, what date is your surgery. You must be feeling nerves about that.
Was the Catherzation pai ... Read more
On June 23, 2014...
Ginger (in the Land of Oz) posted a note for Olga that says:
It certainly does take a while to wrap one's head around the idea that there is any problem with the heart, let alone heart surgery is in the future!

But in terms of what many people are faced with, you have plenty of time to learn. Mary's recommendation of the book is an excellent one,

Another thing that is incredibly helpful is the Learning Center on this site. You will learn at your own pace and just on topics you choose, not a bunch of information you do not need.

To respond to comments, at the end of each comment there should be some writing in green. If you look there is one you can click on that allows you to respond, then a box will open for you to type in. If you are still having problems tomorrow, say so in your post and we will try to give you better help, but I think you will not find it all that hard.

Blessings and best wishes for your heart health,
Olga Landry  Thank you Ginger for your time responding to my message.
Olga Landry  Hello Ginger How are you doing.
Thank you for all the advise you gave me.
My catherazation date is s ... Read more
On June 22, 2014...
Mary Myers posted a note for Olga that says:
Hello Olga,
My name is Mary. I am scheduled to have a mitral stenosis repair or replace the valve in July.
I have been researching everywhere. I am so glad to have found Adam Pick, and the book that he wrote.
If you have not ordered the book The Patient's Guide to Heart Valve Surgery I would encourage you to order it. I received it this week and could not put it down.
The book answers many questions that I had, it also prepares me for pre and post op care.
Feel free to write me, maybe we can be heart buddies.

Mary M

Olga Landry  Hello Mary. Thank you for responding to my message. I was trying to find you on the site but I couldn ... Read more
On June 21, 2014...
Ginger ( in the Land of Oz) posted a note for Olga that says:
Olga, Greetings and welcome! You will find this site is like a great big family. We help each other, encourage each other, share experiences and concerns, etc.

Do ask specific questions if you have them. Also note that there is a search box in the upper right hand corner, and if you type in a topic, often it will take to what you are looking for.

I highly recommend getting familiar with the Learning Center. You will notice that it has groupings, and you can learn about various heart and valve disease states, surgical approaches, what happens in the hospital, explanations of the most common test, and a massive amount of information. Some of it has videos or patients commenting on their experience, sometimes a surgeon is asked to explain something in a taped interview.

Just check out the groupings and decide what applies to you. Look at what ever strikes you as interesting. I feel like I got a great deal of "What happens for surgery and in the hospital" information that I was totally clueless about.

You can do it any way you want, but some parts of it I found interesting enough that I made a commitment to watch at least two a day. Sometimes I would do more. If you get in the middle of something and decide it's not for you, go on to something else. There are also a lot of videos available by clicking on the bed button on the TV in the upper right hand column.

Do you have a surgery date set?

Again, welcome to the family and don't be shy. We post everything from what we are unclear on to how we feel today. There is always someone willing to give a few pointers, direct you to an answer, or often to listen and be there for you.
On June 21, 2014...
Clare Auten posted a note for Olga that says:
Welcome to the site. It has tons of information and if you ask a specific question you will get lots of answers. I had my aortic valve replaced and an aneurysm repaired on 1/9/14. Good luck. Ask away.
Olga Landry  Thank you for responding to my post.
I hope your surgery went well.