On June 20, 2012...
Hi Lisa,
I've been thinking about you since I first saw your post on Facebook the other day. Thank you for keeping us updated with what's going on with you. I had been wondering if it was a similar case as your sister's. So glad you found out about it and are able to get it fixed. Will be thinking and praying for you! Peace! :)
Melissa Wilkeson
On June 20, 2012...
Lisa -

Wishing you all the best as you take this brave but very logical step to ensure you enjoy a long and healthy life! I too was diagnosed with MVP (about 20 years ago) but it has not progressed to the stage of needing surgical repair. Echocardiograms every 3 years provide regular status updates. And, like you, I also was diagnosed with an electrical disturbance - Supraventricular tachycardia. I underwent a cardio ablation in 1998 at Northwestern Memorial (I live in Chicago as well!) and have been symptom free ever since and enjoying a very active lifestyle. Running is my "new" passion at 48, completed my first half marathon and training for a full marathon in 2013. You have the best possible team and resources on your side - life will go on for you, an opportunity to honor your sister every day, every step of the way! Good luck!

Lisa Bacani
On June 20, 2012...
Good morning Lisa-
I am glad you know what this is and are taking care of it as soon as you are. I am sorry about what your sister went thru. It sounds as if you have a pretty positive attitude and I think that is key. I'll look forward to keeping up with your posts as you continue on your journey and soon recovery. Karen Campo
On June 20, 2012...
Good morning Lisa-
I am glad you know what this is and are taking care of it as soon as you are. I am sorry about what your sister went thru. It sounds as if you have a pretty positive attitude and I think that is key. I'll look forward to keeping up with your posts as you continue on your journey and soon recovery. Karen Campo
On June 20, 2012...
Lisa, your latest "blog" reminds us of just how fortunate we are...to be able to be fixed. So many are not able. For instance, your sister and my father. My Dad passed away 2 weeks ago from a dissecting aneurysm that by the time it was diagnosed was too large for anyone to attempt surgery. He walked around with this for 10 years knowing that it could rupture at any time.
We complain from time to time, once we realize we have survived the surgery (thank God) we start to knit pick the issues that come up during recovery. There will be some issues, it's open heart surgery for goodness sakes! But...we are/were able to be fixed!
Thanks for reminding us with your story!
Just so you know, the waiting really is the hardest part.
Linda Dixon, AVR 3/13/12
On June 20, 2012...
Lisa, Dr. mcCarthy performed an aortic valve repair on my 25 year old sol last year. He is an excellent surgeon and Northwestern is a wonderful hospital, I will keep looking for your updates. Best of luck. JG
On June 20, 2012...
Hello girly. Just wanted to say hey & let you know that Chris & I are thinking and praying for you, your docs, & your family. It is such a comfort and blessing that you are in such great hands. We love you tons and miss you. (We are talking about making another Chicago trip sometime soon. We just can't wait for you and Jo to meet our little man.) Keep smiling. Text and talk with you soon.

Chris & AJ :)
On June 20, 2012...
I remember meeting your sister, and being shocked after you told me she had passed. I am so happy that you have taken your health into your own hands. I wish, pray, and hope the best for you.

-Joshua Tammaro
On June 19, 2012...
Thinking of you sugar! Your amazing attitude, beautiful personality and face will get you through it all. Let me know if you need anything and know that I'm sending good thoughts your way.

Love ya bestie!
Courtney Mueller
On June 19, 2012...
Thinking of you, Cousin. I expect to see you fully functional by Thanksgiving. After all, it's tradition! (figured i'd continue the Fiddler on the Roof theme).

-Tamur Farrokhnia
On June 19, 2012...
Lisa, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. And I hope to see you at Hindman next year. Love, Sylvia Woods
On June 19, 2012...
sweet lisa of the hvj...not so sure i love that tittle but it is for now. OK, so everyone has already expressed so much love and support. you know that mine ours is with you too. prayers. love. concern, maybe some worry mixed in there at times. your family will give you all the hugs sent from us across the miles. the porch swing awaits your company when you are well enough to come to the real south with joanna.
On June 18, 2012...
Hi, Lisa! Thanks so much for keeping this journal because we certainly do want to stay up to date with you. Please know that your "family" out here in New Mexico are already praying for you. I'll be sending out a prayer request to our Renegade Bible Study and Cerrillos Community Church friends this evening. All of us are pray-ers, and you'll be at the top of our list. We love you!!
On June 18, 2012...
Hi Lisa,

My thoughts and prayers go out to you. We are the type of family that likes to bring in home cooked tuna casserole dishes and lasagna!

If there's anything else that you and your family needs we are here for ya.
On June 18, 2012...
Lisa, You are in our thoughts and prayers daily. I hope you know how many hearts you have captured over the years, certainly the hearts of this family. I also hope that you know how captivating you are and recognize the gifts that you offer to every one in your world. You are so loved and cherished!---Dan and Donna
On June 18, 2012...
And here I sit with asking of prayers following ankle surgery! A mild inconvenience compared to yours. Will be wanting to read more re: your story later.
Patricia Kizer
On June 18, 2012...
Hey Lisa, The Platts are pulling for you and praying for you! So glad to be in the loop, we sure have been thinking of you!
On June 18, 2012...
you are in our prayers....so glad you let us know this...and we're glad you have a wise gut....and doctors with ears to hear...we pray for them....and await a good report...He who began a good work will be faithful to complete it......love ya
On June 17, 2012...
Lisa, You are in my prayers and I am sorry that you are going through this. I know it must feel scary, or concerning but I am so very grateful that your doctors listened to you. You will come through this and be all better soon. I send you a hug,
Beth Cox
On June 17, 2012...
I am praying for you and will put you on the prayer sheet at my church so many more will pray for you. You are a beautiful young lady with so much more to do in life. Thank you God for making surgeons that have brilliant hands to do His work. We will continue to keep you and your family in our prayers. We love all of you.
Debbie and Mr. Jack
On June 17, 2012...

I applaud you for the bravery you are showing in this scary time. You are one of the most graceful ladies I know who truly does appreciate her blessings and I'll be thinking of you and sending you HUGS!!!!

On June 16, 2012...
Hi Lisa,

I'm sorry to hear about this, but thankful that you are getting the help you need. My thoughts will be with you and may you have a speedy recovery.

On June 16, 2012...
Hi Lisa I can say to you welcome to HVJ but thanks for inviting all of us to go on your journey. There is a lot of support here, and you will be getting a lot of new friends that will turn into being a family. I hope everything goes good for you. Will keep watching you and looking forward to hearing from you. Good luck
For the long haul
Linda H
Lisa Woods  Thank you! I am looking forward to getting to know everyone here on HVJ! :-)
On June 16, 2012...
Hi Lisa, welcome to HVJ! I'm constantly amazed at how we keep growing! So surgery on June 25th...that's getting close. You have an excellent surgeon in Dr. McCarthy, so you will be in good hands. This is, in fact, the hardest part...waiting. After a little time recovering you will feel so much better I'm sure. I've yet to "meet" anyone who didn't, lol! Take care and keep us posted!
Linda Dixon, AVR 3/13/12
Lisa Woods  Thank you Linda! Nice to "meet" you :-)
On June 15, 2012...
Hi Lisa-
Today is the big day! Hope all went well.
I can all to relate to going with your gut instinct regarding your own health. Had I have not pursued that I might not be sitting here today. I'll look forward to your coming posts.
Karen Campo
Lisa Woods  Hi Karen! Thanks so much for your kind message - I appreciate the support! So - I have to confess, yo ... Read more