On August 24, 2010...
Hi Joy,

I am so sorry to you had to go through this again, and worse yet. Hopefully this procedure will put an end to your fluid build-up. Its ironic how it seems sometimes that fixing one problem seems to lead to several new ones. Here's to hoping for better news from you at next post.

On August 24, 2010...
Hi Joy,
I've really enjoyed keeping up with your progress on your journal. Sounds like this last procedure was no piece of cake. You're a real trooper! We will all be glad when you're back in yoga.
Thinking of you.
Nancy Secrist
On August 23, 2010...
Thanks for putting that article up, Joy. It was nice to read about one of our sisters on HVJ. Sounds like a woman I would've loved to have as a friend. She certainly left her mark in her short time here on Earth.
Amanda F.
On August 23, 2010...
Hi Joy

Thank you for going through the trouble of sharing the article about Lori. I really appreciated being able to read about her.

Hope you are continuing to gain strength and hopefully soon you will feel like yourself.

Cheryl, Ontario
On August 22, 2010...
This story is very inspiring on one hand but very tragic on the other. Lori B has definitely left this world much too soon, but she did leave a legacy that will remain for many years to come.

Thank you for sharing, Joy.


On August 21, 2010...
Hi Joy,
One of our yoga friends is forwarding your posts, as I somehow missed the original signup. I'm really missing your beautiful presence and can't wait for you to be back in the yoga classes. My prayers are for your complete recovery and soon!!
Gay Bullard
On August 21, 2010...
Thank you so much for what you wrote in my guestbook. Each message a get seems to give me a little more strength. I am so sorry to hear of your complications and hope you are feeling much better soon. I too have been on Lasix since the surgery.
I also want to thank you for sharing the article on Lori. I can't remember a time I felt such shock and even though I didn't know her personally, a sense of loss.
Thoughts and prayers are with you,
On August 21, 2010...

Thank you for sharing the article about Lori.

I hope you're feeling better!
On August 21, 2010...
Hi Joy
Thanks for the article (obit?) on Lori. I had checked the Statesman last night but there wasn't anything there. We certainly don't know the answers, do we? Hope you are doing well with that fluid gone. Still wonder why that happens to some of us post op and not to others. Hope it cools off for you soon, know it's been in the low 100's!
On August 20, 2010...
Joy A thoracentesis!!! OMG! and the day I e-mailed thinking you were out of the woods But now you are! I know you are! Please be well Miss you B
On August 20, 2010...
You have been in so many hearts. This journal is a wonderful window into your life this year. Thank you! Thank you! I will remind the class about the journal when we meet Tuesday. Namaste'
On August 19, 2010...
Hi Joy

Sorry to hear of your challenges, but it sounds like you are dealing with them and moving forward each day and week. Hopefully the fluid buildup has been addressed and your progress will come more readily. Hang in there, you are almost over the hump.

Keller, TX
On August 18, 2010...
You have been a real trooper Joy.

health and ease is what I hold for you.

Hope you have a happy day today.

with love ~ Christine
On August 18, 2010...
Hi Joy,

I'm glad they figured out what was wrong are are taking corrective measures. Hopefully you'll be back to "normal" in no time. I am enjoying rehab so far; had session #3 today. I'm sure you'll be right behind me! Take care.

On August 18, 2010...
Glad to hear the procedure is behind you and you are looking forward to gaining your energy back.
On August 18, 2010...
Hi Joy
Read your update with interest as it's pretty much what I went through. Did your lung get a "pinched" type of feeling as it expanded? Did they tell you to continue using your spirometer? The actual procedure was pretty painless,am sure you'll agree? Hope this gives you the needed energy to get to rehab and start working more. Wishing great healing. By the way, did you have your surgery at the Austin Heart Hospital where Lori had hers?
On August 18, 2010...
My goodness, I didn't know a lung could hold that much fluid. I hope the procedure wasn't painful. It's good to know you are back on track.

Take care,

On August 18, 2010...
Hi Joy, Today is 4 weeks for both of us!!!!I'm with you on fatigue, I feel "pooped" but don't want to lay down. I have also had breathing problems and had an echo last week. It really spooks me out when it happens and I'm home alone....The visiting nurse thinks it's the hot
weather and humidity??? I started some PT in the rehab facility. I worked on a bit of balance with some ballet exercises, and walk
the block...My nurse pushed the point of not walking too far, because many of her patients
have had to come home in a police car.....I'm glad to hear that you are well along the road of recovery...Lee
On August 18, 2010...
Hi Joy,
Keep up the good work, and keep getting better. We miss you!
On August 18, 2010...

So glad they got all that fluid out of you. It should make all the difference in how you feel and what you can do. Rehab will help you with energy - I finally feel "normal" again about half-way through the 12 weeks of rehab. (Being the yoga queen, you'll probably do much better faster!)

Good to hear you're doing so well.
On August 18, 2010...
Hi Joy

Hopefully your procedure will be the end of it and let the pills do their work and get rid of the excess fluid. Have you been able to get any yoga done at all or is it too painful yet for that deep of breathing? Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Cheryl, Ontario
On August 18, 2010...
I am glad your breathing is better, and hope the fluid build-up is now under control. I pray you will be able to start rehab soon....I know you will enjoy it as much as your fellow hvj members have. It was an empowering experience for me. Keep us updated and I am glad you are feeling better.
Theresa C.
On August 15, 2010...
Dear Joy,
I am continuing to keep you in my prayers for healing and peace. It is good that the doctors are monitering you more closely in order to help you. Wishing you many blessings in this difficult time.
Sandra Leal
On August 14, 2010...
My goodness friend - you have been through the ringer!

I guess we can consider it a "open a mayo jar" day - in that you keep on keeping on. Lots of prayers of gratitude for endurance and appreciation for today - as well as the great care you're getting.

Hang in there Joy!

With love ~ Christine
On August 13, 2010...
Beloved Kula Sister Joy,
Loving prayers and positive thoughts are coming your way non-stop from South Austin!
I hope that fluid works its way out of your body soon.
On August 13, 2010...
Hi Joy
Things will get better and you know that. Hopefully the extra fluid will be taken care of with the Lasix and you'll feel more energy and be able to take some deep breaths. Very few of us get away without some little glitch in our post op period. As you've been a HVJ reader for a long time, you know that everyone gets through them. I do believe that God allows this to teach us patience and then gratitude once we are healed. Prayers going to TX from FL.
On August 13, 2010...

Thanks so much for the words of encoragement you have given me. Take them to heart for yourself, and hopefully you will be quickly past your post op hiccups and smooth sailing to your own recovery.. It is funny how each of us has so many different little things we have to deal with post op.. Hang in there..

Best wishes,

Keller, TX
On August 13, 2010...

I'm so very sorry to hear that you are having some set-backs but its great that most of the problems have been identified already and action is being taken. I will continue to pray for your recovery.

Best of luck,
On August 13, 2010...
Hi Joy,

It's good to hear that you are feeling better with the exception of the coughing. Hopefully, you will find a solution for that problem soon because that would be tiring I would think.

I like reading your updates and knowing that you continue to feel stronger with time. I'm sure this is taking a great deal of patience on your part because you have always been so independent and active.

Hang in there,


On August 13, 2010...
Hi Joy,

Thank you for the note of encouragement. I have a pretty stessful job and am hoping to get this issue more under control before returning to work. Have you been able to get the coughing under control? I know that still must hurt; sneezing sure does.

Take care,
On August 11, 2010...
Hi Joy,
I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better with each passing week. I take Metoprolol, but I do not have a cough. I hope that your cough will be gone soon. Take care and don't over do it.
On August 11, 2010...
Hi Joy,

I am glad to hear you're doing well. I'm on both metropolol and lisinopril and do have some coughing, mostly later in the day or after more frequent talking. It probably is from the meds. Hopefully your doctor will be able to change you to something else soon. Take care.

On August 11, 2010...
Hi Joy,

I had my surgery 2 days after you, I had to stay in the hospital longer and had a 2nd surgery with a pacemaker put in. I am doing good and started rehab today. It is nice to read everyone's stories and know that we are not alone. I also am on Metoprolol. I have been since I was diagnosed almost 4 years ago. I have not had any issues with it besides feeling a little dizzy at times. My cardiologist then lowed the amount. Sorry to hear about that bad cough, I'm sure it hurts. I hope you have a good recovery and look forward to reading more from you.

On August 11, 2010...
Hi Joy
Great to get your update. You are doing so well, much better than I was at 3 weeks, but I did have fluid in my lung sacs, ugh!!! I know your temps have been in the high 90's and 100. When we lived in Austin as I recalled, it did cool off a bit at night, does it still do that. I always walked with a friend at 6am. Here in FL it's already in the 80's and humid at 6am. Hope a change of meds will get rid of the cough. Let us know.
On August 11, 2010...
It is great to hear you are progressing so well. Glad to hear you are getting out. Tonight is the Biopark appreciation dinner at the Zoo. When I do biopark stuff I think of you. Dave sends his best. Take care and hi to Pete.
Melinda and Dave
On August 11, 2010...
I bet that cough is from your meds. I was on Lisinopril and had a horrible cough, stopped it after 3 months when I realized that was the problem. It's so annoying. The doc now has noted I'm allergic to that string of med. Good luck to you!!!
On August 8, 2010...
Hi Joy,

Thanks for popping by my guestbook. We were at Country Roads for breakfast yesterday and it was excellent as usual. Can't go there without thinking of you.

Oh, bad news Pete. Albertson's closed - maybe year ago. That huge building has been vacant ever since. I too used to walk the loop at Bergen Park before my surgery. Or I walk down US 40 which borders one side of our property. We have a two mile section that we pick up.I get a bit nervous walking alone because of mountain lion sightings. Sometimes I drive myself up to walMart or Home Depot. I know that's a cardinal sin but I deem it to be a necessity!

Keeping on feeling better and better!

On August 7, 2010...
Hey Joy! Hate to rain on your parade but when I had Pancreatic surgery and had been in the hospital for a week, it took me a long time to gain my strength. Remember when I first came to your night class? That was about 3 months after surgery and I couldn't do anything and I had done Yoga for several years. At times I still don't feel as good as I did, and I am 9 years older than you (that does make a difference) but I know I am stronger, but it take a long time for anyone to recup after all the drugs, invasions and just keeping our lives going. Don't get discouraged, and just pray for patience....It Will take some time. Think of you daily....Hugs, and Namaste' Kay
On August 5, 2010...
Hi Joy,
My theory is that the anesthetic has a long-term effect on the body...I think it takes a while for the effect to wear off. I've had minor surgery and felt the anesthetic effects for a few months.

I hope you're feeling better today..
On August 5, 2010...
Hi Joy!

It sounds like you're doing fantastic to me! I'm still taking a low dose percocet at bedtime... the morning stiffness is now bearable. Like you, I have a hard time getting moving in the morning... I'm not normally a back sleeper so I'm wondering if I'm just not getting a really restful night's sleep. Keep up the good work. You'll probably be starting rehab soon! Take care.
On August 5, 2010...
Hi Joy!

You'll have days like yesterday - they come and go without much rhyme or reason. I had one yesterday too and I'm 12 weeks out! I overdid this week and my body started yelling late in the afternoon. I was exhausted and it felt like a truck hit me! Today I'm better.

Take it easy when you need to and be good to yourself!
On August 4, 2010...
Hey there Joy ~ Glad to hear you have a strategy in place to help with tiredness in the afternoon and hey - good for you opening up the mayo jar on your own :-) !! It can be hard at times to remind ourselves of what IS going right when we are dealing with such upheaval in our lives - huh - glad you are seeing victories in the face of many challenged. Love and heres to more mayo jar openings :-) Love Christine xoxoxoxo
On August 4, 2010...
God bless you! Thank you for your kind words - I also Wish you all the best.

Richard Volpe
On August 4, 2010...
Hi Joy,

You are very smart to not get upset if things go slow. Everyone is so different. I remember reading Adam's book and he really had a hard time of it compared to some. I am hoping I will be at least somewhere in the middle of the pack (like you), in recovery takes time, but it is mostly a steady climb.
God Bless.... Linda Stahl
On August 4, 2010...
Hi Joy,

It seems to me that you are progressing nicely and that you are being a little tough on yourself. After all, your surgery was major! Just think of yourself as a "plugger" similar to one of our favorite newspaper cartoons and you will achieve a full recovery before you know it. I'm sending healing thoughts your way...


On August 4, 2010...
Hi Joy!

Slow going in the morning is par for the course. I think it was at least a month until I didn't feel drained from taking a shower. Eating first makes sense (I don't think I ever figured that out!) And you are making progress. You're quite active and can open jars! I bet you couldn't do that 2 weeks ago!!

Remember . . . be a patient patient!!!

On August 4, 2010...
Hi Joy
I remember those days of exhausting showers. The days I washed my hair were the worst, all that arm lifting. Also seemed that all the moist air made it harder to get a good breath, but then did find out about the fluid situation in my lungs. It will get better. It's great that you have the energy to get out. Keep it up, stay strong, remember week by week it's better.
On August 2, 2010...
Hi Joy~I just read your today's update, and am so relieved for you and Pete that things are going well and you enjoyed your lunch out with your husband (I've not met Pete, but it's so obvious how much he loves his Joy)... bottom line is, it probably DID help to get out a bit.
Just to see...I had to "down dog it" for a bit before I did realize that you shouldn't overdo that right now ;-)....I miss you so much...think it may be time for some chocolate (with sea salt) and a glass of wine. As it melts in my mouth very slowly...I'll put up a prayer that you are back on that fron mat ASAP...
Gloria Brunner
SCTX Yoga Student
On August 2, 2010...
Hi Joy,
Thanks for signing my guestbook. You said your 2 weeks post op. I started feeling a turn around at about 5 - 6 weeks. Seems after that I reached a plateau and it just seemed to get better and better after that. No steps back. I'm amazed how wonderful I feel. You'll get there, too. And just wait........its wonderful!
Keep up the good work. Diana
On August 1, 2010...
Hi Joy

Wow, all great news. Bit by bit you are regaining your life and I'm totally happy for you. Way to go.
Cheryl, Ontario