On August 28, 2010...
Hi Jerry,
I brought my laptop. It was great for my husband who used it for news, etc.. and to update everyone on this site every day. I didn't use it like I thought I would due to being drugged out and in pain. I would take it though...
Prayers and thoughts,
Kimberly S.
On August 28, 2010...

So glad you're back. I bought an iPad for my post-surgical computer needs and I loved it. I think I was back posting on this site (and Facebook, and checking email) 3 days after surgery. (If I looked back at my journal, I'd know for sure.) I didn't have the energy to stay on terribly long each time, but I really liked having my lifeline to the outside world.

I chose to get an iPad because I thought a laptop would be too heavy for me right after surgery (I'd find it awkward to put use it on a table) and for me I think I was right. I didn't go back to using my laptop until 4 or 5 weeks after surgery . . . I stuck with my iPad or used the desktop in our office.

Best of luck with your surgery on Tuesday. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

Ricki Shine
On August 28, 2010...
Good Morning Jerry
My husband brought the laptop and he basically used it to update on this site. I never did use it, felt too fuzzy headed until about a week after surgery. Hadn't even brought anything to read as I couldn't concentrate. Curious to see what others have to say. You are on my prayer list for a successful surgery on the 31st. Where are you having your surgery?
On August 27, 2010...
Hi Jerry,
Glad you were able to get back on the site. Wishing you the best of luck with your upcoming sugery and sending prayers. Look forward to the next update.
Kimberly S.
On August 27, 2010...
Best to you I wow
Since I am a 3 x veteran of open heart isn't a great feeling to be reassured prior to the procedure
Good Luck and keep all of us posted
Susan V
On August 27, 2010...
Hi Jerry,

Wishing you a successful and uneventful sugery! My prayers are with you.
