On September 16, 2010...
Hi Don
I am thrilled for you!
Susan V
On September 16, 2010...
Hi Don,

Great News! Glad to hear it's all happening so quickly and exactly the way you feel is right for you! - Keep us informed on your progress!

There are sooo many of us aware of your situation and thinking of you - and that's ON TOP of your deep faith in God and Jesus!

I can only say that my own surgery had a profound effect on my being and brought me so much closer to God - I feel it's a rare opportunity and truly a blessing in disguise...


On September 16, 2010...
Hi Don
Great news!!! Obviously an answer to prayer. Have you on my prayer list for the 23rd.
On September 16, 2010...
Dear Don

Sorry. B.C would be me... Dawna Don;t know why you have four of the same messages from me...lol
On September 16, 2010...
Dear Don,
Keeping our fingers crossed.. I know about postponed surgery.. Mine was booked for the 13th of Sept. u and I are having our valves done on the same day.. yours Alberta , Mine B.C... good luck
On September 16, 2010...
Hi Don,

Congrats on the date. Best of luck. Just curious who your surgeon is. I am in Calgary and will have the same surgery within the next few years. I am 39 so I am hoping to remain symptom free for a little while longer.
On September 16, 2010...
Dear Don,
Those of us who don't pray have been sending our versions of good vibes to you and I am thrilled that you are scheduled for surgery so soon. This is great news and makes me very happy. Please keep us updated of your progress through the heart valve journal. We will be thinking of you and your family.
On September 16, 2010...
Hi Don thanks for your note
I am not released for formal cardiac rehab as of yet, just had my postop stress test and echocardiogram. My cardioloigist would never allow swimming due to sternum healing until after rehab is completed sometime in Dec or Jan. When I asked when he thought I could swim he said not until Feb or so due to reinjury of chest. Keep in touch
Susan V
On September 16, 2010...
Hi Don
Should have known you would be savvy enough to know! I agree with what you say, the only thing is if I don't go back to your journal I would never know there was a message for me. One thing I think would be nice is spell check! I shouldn't complain (and I'm really not) because this site has been so beneficial to me in so many ways. Take care. Let us know.
On September 15, 2010...
Hi again, Don
Just to let you know if you want to respond to people on the HVJ, just go to Journal Central and type in the name you are looking for under Search Journals, and when you get them, you just write in their guestbook. Take care.
On September 15, 2010...
Don, you look pretty good for an old guy. I'm just a youngster of 68 who will be operated on in the very near future to have my aortic valve replaced. Have you heard of the percutaneous transcatheter aortic valve implant? It is still in clinical trials but looks very promising. I went to Cedars-Siani in Los Angeles to inquire about it. I found that I was not ill enough to participate in their trial. The procedure has been approved in Europe but I am not sure about Canada. If you need information call me at 513 834 9805. Good luck and best wishes to you. Gary Vice
On September 15, 2010...
I will be thinking of you and hoping you get in! Larissa
On September 15, 2010...
Oh My Don I am so sorry for this sudden change of plan via news from the Dr. Please hang in there I know from reading your journal you have amazing strength and endurance. Waiting I always believe is for some reason we will never know. Take Care and I will be thinking of you
Susan VandenBussche
On September 15, 2010...
Thanks Fran & Ros. Your comments together have helped my perspective. Perfect!
On September 15, 2010...
Hi Don
Will pray as you wish. But, obviously you'll have to be prepared with a second plan of action if your prayer isn't answered. God really does answer our prayers in the way He sees best for us and that's not always what we pray for. Be faithful to His plan for you.
On September 15, 2010...

I wonder how many doctors/surgeons are aware of how important it is for them to choose their words carefully and to give patients as much detailed info as possible so we don't panic unnecessarily!

I hope you get the pros and cons of waiting a further 6 weeks real soon so you can make a good decision because I feel it is equally important to have a surgeon you really trust to do a great job.

I'm thinking of you and pray it will all turn out to the best!

On September 7, 2010...
Hi Don and Patty,
We think of you and pray. May the Lord's presence be especially real to you.
Randy had a heart attack many years ago, as you may remember. Now, being 87, he rides his bike 6 miles most days, praise the Lord.
He's still working on Assyrian O.T. thru Skype. I'm a walker, and I do letters, and family things etc.
We visited Heather and family in NY State this past summer. Beautiful area.
Love to you both, Anne and Randy
On September 6, 2010...
Hi Sir Don, wishing you that you've overcome your problem, I pray for you! andro d.
On September 6, 2010...
Hi Don
Wow what a story, I am new so I had to catch up I am so impressed with your ahtletic abilities through the years. I was a short distance 5-10K prior to my first surgery many years ago since the last 2 returned to swimming which I was an avid swimmer from childhood through college. I cannot wait to get back into my laps. I really feel for your wait but LOVE your attitude and leaving it in God's hands, so important. I love Canada when we lived in Traverse City Mich, we visited often. Take Care
Susan VandenBussche
On September 6, 2010...
Good Morning Don
Great news that the big day is so soon. You've had to wait a long time but in a few months you'll be back to your old self and feeling great. Let us know the op date when you get one.
On September 5, 2010...
so glad you have this date set for pre-op. that usually isn't done too much in advance of surgery, right? still praying for you and patty. do so love you! peggy and jerry
On September 5, 2010...
Hi Don,

Do you have energy without the carbs, OR is it hard to measure against the heart valve issue?

I did get in my wetsuit several times this summer. It felt good again.

I will be thinking of you both as you head up to Calgary next week. I have been missing the prairies lately.

God Bless. (I just finished reading a book called "Truefaced". It is about being authentic in our relationships and trusting God in yet another dimension, or one I hadn't considered before).

Keep the faith. I have learned that faith and fear really can't exist together.
Rebecca Miller (Of course, it sounds like you are doing all this already anyway:^).
On July 17, 2010...
Hi Don
Glad things are working out for you and you are accepting them. Seems you've come a long way since your early quest of even considering foreign travel. God has a way of working things out. Being patient is our part and it's not always easy. A lesson I've had to learn. Keep us up to date and enjoy your summer.
On July 16, 2010...
Hi Don and Patty-
I am following your progress and condition too. I pray that our Father continues to comfort and support you as you patiently await surgery.

I bought a wetsuit a couple of weeks ago but our lake is too cold still. My first swim I dedicate to you and your love of triathlon. I will let you know when I can get in there.
Be Blessed. Rebecca M.
On July 16, 2010...


On July 16, 2010...
Hi Don

Well now you know. October is when I had my surgery and it was a good comfortable time to heal. Keeping you in my thoughts.

Cheryl, Ontario
On July 8, 2010...
Hi Don

It was good to hear you have settled in and are going to wait out your surgery date. Acceptance will go a long way to helping you keep the calm. Hope you are managing okay with the summer heat.

Cheryl, Ontario
On July 7, 2010...
Hi Don
Glad to read that you are so much less stressed than earlier posts and this will bode well for your upcoming surgery. And you've still managed to keep fit!
On July 7, 2010...
Hi Don,
We are so thankful you have peace now about this decision and things are looking up since your May entry. We give Him praise for answered prayer. We also hope the doc is right about the waiting time for surgery. So love you! Peggy and Jerry
On July 7, 2010...
Hi Don,
I am so glad to hear that you are holding up, and even able to do some work in the gym. I have so much admiration for you. We think of you and wish you and Patty and your family continued strength for what is in store. I also hope you'll be able to join us for some informal linguisticcy activities soon.
On July 7, 2010...
Sorry to be so slow to respond. I (Lorrie) was so surprised to learn of your heart problem and am wondering where you are today with that challenge. Please get us up-to-date. And tell us how Patty is, too.

Wendel had a bad case of shingles a year ago last February and is still dealing with a significant amount of pain. I KNOW he has depression and the med he is taking is not helping. How do you get a man to talk to his doctor?! Praise God for HIS strength and the victory that is ours to claim because it is already won. Hope to hear from you. Lorrie
On July 1, 2010...
Hi Don,

It takes so long to wade and weed through my regular e-mail before and after my work, I've forgotten to check this site. Sandy just reminded me. It's good to hear that you don't seem to be getting worse while you wait. I had two friends who had some of your symptoms, esp. difficulty breathing when climbing or other hard exercize, but in their cases some earlier infection had caused the pericardial sack to harden and it was gradually tightening around the heart so it couldn't pump adequately. The sack was cut off and they've done fine since. They didn't need valves, so I guess that's quite different.

Some of our folks have had heart surgery in Bangkok and I've heard good things of Bangalore, but it is nice to be close to home if possible.

We will remember to pray again,
On May 29, 2010...
Hey Don,

Thanks for inviting me to the journal. It's an honor.

I know what it is like to miss the running. Hang in there. When you can run again it will be so sweet.

Missed you at the gym today.

On May 29, 2010...
Hi Don

Thanks for the message in my guestbook. Lethbridge is a fairly large city so I'm wondering why you don't have the choices that I do regarding the abundance of qualified heart surgeons and the wait you have. As you read, I was in and done fairly quickly even taking into account the fact that I was picking in and around my scheduled holidays and other commitments I had.

I had been asked to consider using a new heart ring that was in it's testing stages so when I asked how many my doctor had done and found out none, plus not even one at my hospital, I said no way. Canada has to test 200 and so far about a total of 40 had been used over a two year period so I wasn't up to any big decisions like that. The States had already inserted over 600 in the same time frame.

I was quite content with the doctor I was sent to so just waited it out but such a short time.

I see my cardiologist next week, 8 mos post-op. I'm curious to know why I'm still using Warfarin and how much longer I'm going to continue with it. I'd also like to have my pvc's, missed, double and triple heart beats explained to me and would like to know more about the two other valves that aren't perfect. They said they weren't bad enough to repair so I hope they aren't expecting them to wear out when I'm yet again older.

My rehab is great and I'm really feeling like my ole self except for the very seldom bout of palpitations. I'm back doing anything I want to do and don't think twice about taking the stairs. My recovery had few complications and nothing that turned out to be serious so I was very fortunate.

I would hope you do as well. I tried not to think too deeply about what I was going to experience other than for all of the research I did. I just tried to relate it to someone else and not myself. Denial worked for me! I was very prepared thanks to Adam's book. I can't say enough about that book, his blog and now this site.

How is your wife with all of this? Is she strong? I hope she has good faith in the abilities of the process and data.


Cheryl, Ontario
On May 29, 2010...
Hi Don

I see you have resigned yourself to surgery at home. Now that you know that I suppose it's time to get all your other ducks in a row and acquaint yourself with the procedures. Are you in the que now?

Cheryl, Ontario
On May 27, 2010...
Hi Don and Patti, We will be praying here for God's direction for you, and that you'll be back running really soon!
God Bless,
Yvonne (Friesen) Crozier
On May 24, 2010...
Hi Don and Patti!
What a surprise to hear of your impending surgery! We are sorry that you need to go through this, BUT are confident that you will recover quickly due to your incredible fitness levels! Don, have you inquired about the suggestion given in your guestbook re: having surgery in Ontario -- or elsewhere in Canada? Is there a speedier process anywhere else? We are praying with you for wisdom to make the best decision with the knowledge and information you are able to gather, and then for peace as you rest in that decision.
Hugs and Prayers John and Joanne
On May 23, 2010...
Dear Don, Thank you for all this information. We can hardly believe this could happen to you, so fine an athlete. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We are both turning 87 this year and praise the Lord for His goodness to us. Randy had a heart attack long ago, but has done fine since. He rides a bike now = does six miles or so. I walk! Love in Christ, Anne & Randy
On May 23, 2010...
Hi again,

Here's just to let you know how I got on in Bangalore so far:

I arrived in Bangalore on Thursday and arranged to meet Dr Jawali Saturday (yesterday). Was very impressed with Dr Jawali himself, who is very focused, direct and absolutely unassuming! Will be admitted Monday and have the angiogram and on Wednesday the actual operation. Unless the angiogram reveals anything unexpected, it will be a straightforward Mitral Valve repair job (incision under the right breast) and possibly discharge from hospital the following Wednesday. At least one week's physiotherapy at the Fortis Hospital while staying with friends in Bangalore...

The admin side of things was a little chaotic on my arrival at the hospital - mainly, I think, because it was a Saturday and Dr Deepshikha Raj was not there in person... So, it's probably advisable to arrive during the week...

The accommodation looks very comfortable - when we looked at the rooms...

Due to the cyclone the temperature here is a 'cool' 28 degree C which is very pleasant - the hospital of course, is totally air-conditioned...

I myself am really ready to go for it and get it over with now, wouldn't want to wait any longer...

I hope you'll soon get a clear picture of where you want to go and have it done...

I'll let you know how I get on...

In the meantime, keep open and positive!

Best wishes,

On May 21, 2010...
Hi Don

Wow, you just can't have the choices there that we have here in Ontario. It's very likely that Alberta health wouldn't pay for you to come to another province for your surgery if it isn't life threatening - am I correct in that? Toronto, London, Kingston and Ottawa all have really top notch surgeons. I was told in June I had to have the diagnostics done first and my appointment was the end of July (my choice because of our holidays and other commitments). The diagnostics were done July 26 and my surgery was booked for the last week of Sept. - again - my choice. It could have been a couple of weeks earlier. I had to cancel because of illness and was done Oct 1/09. Montreal is really great too.

Wouldn't it be better to go ahead and officially get into the lineup and in the meantime look around for alternatives? Just a thought. Has to be frustrating figuring out the wait.

Take care.

Cheryl, Ontario
On May 21, 2010...
Hi Don

Just curious - but why were you looking at surgery elsewhere other than in Alberta? Do you not have the choice or abundance of skilled heart surgeons there? Here in Ontario (I'm very near Toronto) and there are several hospitals there that offer heart valve surgeries. Anyway, I hope you manage to get yourself a surgeon and settle on a date.

Cheryl, Ontario
On May 21, 2010...
Good Morning, Don
Hope it all works out for you. Seems your pastor's advice is wise (what else would one expect)! If it is this fall here in the states, I pray the wait goes by quickly for you. Know you will keep us up to date.
Fran Z
On May 12, 2010...
Oki Don,
I am always thnking of you. You are a strong person, and I keep an eye on your updates. Let me know if you decide to come to Missoula. More later, Mizuki
On May 10, 2010...
Hi Don,
Thanks for keeping me informed about your condition. I want you to know that I love you and will be keeping good thoughts for you. Yes, you are in Gods hands and he loves you very much.

God Bless
Bernice Frantz
On May 8, 2010...
Hi, Don. We are very concerned about your condition. We pray that you will meet with success.I know that Patty will keep us informed.

Frank, Natalie & Golda...
On May 8, 2010...
Hi Don, isn't Adam's website brilliant! I first came across Dr Vivek Jawali (Fortis Hospital, Bangalore) in a video on the Heart Valve Journal page. To save you searching for it, it's also on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GBC85o6Ds4 Dr. Deepshikha Raj, who is the International Patient Care Co-ordinator, then answered all my initial questions by email and a few days ago arranged for me to speak to Dr Jawali on the phone which gives you the opportunity to ask all your technical operation related questions (unless you prefer to do it by email). I have MV regurgitation and had severe shortness of breath until recently when the diuretics and my excellent herbalist's tinctures seem to have kicked in and I am much, much better...I personally like everything I have seen and heard about Dr Jawali and Fortis Hospital so far and am all set to go within the next 10 days. Keep in contact, if you like, and maybe see you out there... Best of luck to you and all of us! Love, Ros
On May 5, 2010...
Praysrs and blessings to you, Don.
I may not have the technical ability to carry along with your updates, but, I sure will try.
You are so corret, Don, you are in His hands and please have faith that all will be well and that is what He wants for you. That, He still has lots of work for you to do do here!
Love, Elly
On May 5, 2010...
The cardiologist at MEDEM St. Petersburg is Dr. Andre Obrezan. He speaks English, as do many of the staff and the Chief of Staff Dr. Alexander Strelnikov. If you make contacr, mention my name.
+7 (812)336-3333
On May 4, 2010...
Don, Sorry to hear about your heart problem. We will be praying for you and your family.
Tom & Paulette Garman
On May 4, 2010...
Get on the internet and check out MEDEM here in St. Petersburg. I have confidence in what they do, and prices are lower than European or American. I'm not sure what kind of visa or other document would be needed. I hope MEDEM makes provision, because I don't have much expertise. I would visit you here.