On June 11, 2010...

So glad to finally hear from you. I am so happy that everything went so well. You're in my prayers.

On June 11, 2010...
YAY!!!! It's so good to hear from you. I was getting so worried about you and even better that things went so well for you and continue to do so!!
Thoughts and prayers are with you,
Kimberly S.
On June 11, 2010...
Glad we heard from you at last and all is well.
Fran Z
On June 11, 2010...
I'm echoing Theresa's concerns. Have been praying for you several times a day and have my bible study group also praying for you. Waiting to hear something.
Fran Z
On June 10, 2010...
I can not stop thinking about you....wondering are you ok? If someone gets a chance, could you post that Diana is ok. We all care on this site, and are concerned about our fellow HVJ friend. I will be praying for you and hope to hear soon.
Theresa Callanan
On June 6, 2010...
Praying all has gone well and am hoping to hear this news real soon. Please let us know when you can.
Fran Z
On June 4, 2010...
Hi Diana,

Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you. I trust everything is going well and we'll be hearing from you soon.

On June 4, 2010...
Ha it is Dean and Denise and Hailie just found out how to do this thinking of YOU A.J. is doing a good job keeping us updated. Talk to YA soon. Danny is in the hospital as well so we are taking care of his dog for a while. OK off to work.
On June 4, 2010...
Hello Diana,
Kimberly has been asking about you over the last two days. Her own surgery has gone quite well but she is definitely in alot of pain from the chest tubes.

We hope to read something soon

Kimberly and David
On June 3, 2010...
Diana -- still praying for you & hoping all goes well with your surgery! Just think -- after your surgery you won't have to worry about passing out & being short of breath!
Keep us posted!
Kathy Jamison-Patnode
On June 3, 2010...
Just wanted you to know I am thinking and praying for you. I hope we hear soon that your surgery is a success and that you are on the road to recovery.
Theresa Callanan
On June 3, 2010...
Hi Diana and Dwight

No news is good news and the fact you didn't write says all was a go. Hoping to hear soon all is well.

Cheryl, Ontario
On June 2, 2010...
Hi Diana and Auntie
Have been praying that all went well. Waiting to hear the great news.
Fran Z
On June 1, 2010...

The best of everything to you on your surgery and recovery. You are in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you.

On June 1, 2010...
Boy oh boy, how scary. Super scary. You are so symptomatic. Just think, no more of these scary episodes in a couple of days!!! Diana have prayed and prayed for you with all your symptoms and setbacks. Soon my prayers will be those of thanksgiving as this is all behind you and you are on the road to blessed healing.
Fran Z
On June 1, 2010...
Very frightening, Diana! Interestingly, what I believe happened to you is one of the things my first doctor told me was one of the symptoms that would indicate it was time to go ahead with surgery. Specifically - angina, inability to breathe when lying down (indicative of heart failure), or passing out. Clearly, it's definitely time for you to get fixed.

We're all pulling for you - Joy V.
On June 1, 2010...
WOW! That was beyond scary...I can't believe you weren't at the hospital!! So glad you are getting the surgery tomorrow and will be feeling better soon.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Kimberly S.
On June 1, 2010...
My heart and prayers are with you. So sorry you had to experience yet one more distressing episode before surgery.
On June 1, 2010...
Hi Diana

Enough already. I wouldn't begin to have a clue as to what happened but there is no denying you're heart is ready to be fixed once and for all. Dwight must have been beside himself with worry. I'm just so glad that tomorrow is going to be your Day because once you tell them what happened, there is no way they are going to turn you back this time.

Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers and will look forward to your post-op posting. Good luck. God Bless.

Cheryl, Ontario
On June 1, 2010...


Wow...how fortunate that surgery is scheduled tomorrow...not a moment too soon!

So, in three months you will be back on the motorcycle, winning shooting competitions, and feeling better than you have in years!

Like my wonderful wife says, we are so much more lucky than people with congestive heart failure...ours can be fixed! I count my blessings every day. I feel better than I have in several years, and you will too!

Your surgery will go smoothly and well and we will hear good things from you in a couple days.


Jim - Tucson
On June 1, 2010...

How frightening. It's clear THIS is the time for your surgery.

It will be over before you know it and you'll be on the path to a full recovery and a great life.

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

Cant wait to hear your surgery story!
On June 1, 2010...

Best wishes for you this week. You are going to feel so much better very soon, and that is what makes this week possible. Hang in there and you will be fine.

In my prayers,
Keller, TX
On May 31, 2010...
Hi Diana,
Hope you get to read this before you go for surgery. Just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and I will be anxiously awaiting the update that tells us you came through with flying colors!
Thank you for what you wrote in your journal.
I look forward to both of us being able to post on our own again soon and sharing our stories.
Here's to your new lease on June 2nd!
Kimberly S.
On May 31, 2010...
Hi Diana. I think I'd be a little testy too if my surgery had been postponed twice the way yours has. Hang in there - it's bound to take time around & you'll be on the mend very, very soon.

Joy V.
On May 31, 2010...
Hi Diana

Don't answer the phone - keep your head down and plod right through the doors - you're staying this time!

I can't even begin to imagine how distressing those delays were but I do know how I felt when I turned up sick and got myself delayed. All I could count was "I could have been done by now".

Be calm. Try and get some sleep. Gosh, your house is in good order and you have a wonderful mother-in-law waiting in the wings to boot. You're all set.

Big cyber hug.

Cheryl, Ontario
On May 31, 2010...

For me anticipation was so much worse than reality. Best wishes for an easy surgery and God's speed in your recovery!

Michael Bartlett
Knoxville, TN
On May 31, 2010...
I have been following your ups and downs just getting to the surgery date. I just wish you the very best.May God hold you in the palm of his hand and may your recovery be uneventful.

Mary Ann
On May 31, 2010...
Well, Diana
You're heading down the path to surgery and this time it'll happen. Try to keep your thought calm as you wait the last couple of days. Seems like you've planned a wonderful distraction. Your emotions are on a roller coaster right now and those who love you understand that. We've all made it and have shared our stories and you will be able to do so also. I wish the story of the dreaded breathing tube would disappear and I am sure if a poll could be taken 99-100% of us would say it wasn't that bad at all. It's one less thing to worry about. The medical staff don't want it in any longer than necessary and it's removal is not bad and only lasts a few seconds!! Can think of splinter removals that were more painful. Praying for you and your family as they wait for you to become "you " again.Glad your aunt will be posting.
Fran Z
On May 30, 2010...
Hi Diana,
Your time is almost here, and I see you are hard at work preparing for it. I did the same and cleaned my house from top to bottom. It made me feel in a little control to have everything in some kind of order. You have already had to face some trials of your own with the postponement of your surgery. You handled it with grace and dignity, and I know the rest of your journey will be a successful one. Know we are all thinking of you...you will do great!
Theresa Callanan
On May 30, 2010...
Hi Diana,

I'm finally catching up with the journal postings. Sorry to read that your surgery was postponed, but very glad to hear that is is rescheduled for June 2. Just think only a few days away.

I too had to make sure all the housework was done. Not sure why, but it does make you feel that it is one more thing off your list of things to do. Now, sit back and relax.

You're in my thoughts and prayers.

On May 30, 2010...
Hi Diana!

You've been in my thoughts as you get nearer to surgery. I'm hoping it happens on the 2nd and that it goes as smoothly for you as it has for me.

Don't be worried about the breathing tube. It was a little uncomfortable when I woke up. It's not clear to me how long it stayed in after I regained consciousness but it probably wasn't that long. It was uncomfortable when they removed it, but not terrible and it was, by far, the most uncomfortable thing that happened after surgery. All the rest of the tubes, wires, etc. didn't hurt even though they warned it would.

Enjoy Memorial Day.
On May 30, 2010...
An oven tip for you. I do a lot of baking including apple pies and they can bubble over and make a big mess. Buy yourself a teflon oven liner. It sits in the bottom of the oven and catches all the spills. Just brushes off, it's a miracle. Always did counted cross stitch and sometimes it became tedious. I now do mostly knitting and quilting. Don't be surprised if you're not up to doing your cross stitch for a while after surgery even though you'll have plenty of time. Do you keep telling yourself "next time this week"? Couple of more days and it will really will come true for you and Kimberly.
Fran Z
On May 29, 2010...
Hey Sis, I know YOU and know how happy you are when all your housework is done. God Bless Dwight's mom for helping you. Now you can rest and not have anything to worry about when you go to the hospital. You will be (and always are) in my prayers. Love, Big Sis
On May 29, 2010...
Hi Diana
I did the same thing before I left for the hospital. Even did some extra baking, etc for the freezer. My hubby Pete has a sweet tooth, has dessert every night and knew the sweets would help diminish his stress after the trip to Cleveland and my surgery. Am praying for you and know you'll do well.
Fran Z
On May 28, 2010...
Hi Diana

If they don't hurry up and get that surgery done you will have finished all your post-op activities and will be looking for more to do. I'm sure they won't put you through another delay. Hope you have a great weekend. Keeping you in my prayers.

Cheryl, Ontario
On May 28, 2010...
Just try to relax and not do too much this weekend. You are more than ready, so, do your cross stitch and relax. Have done this craft off and on through the years. What count cloth do you use? Imagine you are really good at it. You are on my prayer list for the 2cd. Do you have a time yet? Soon, it will all be behind you and you can get on with healing and feeling healthy again to enjoy life to its' fullest.
Fran Z
On May 27, 2010...
This will be it, you've waited too long already. Assume your labs will be perfect.
Fran Z
On May 27, 2010...
You're going to make it. I can feel it! You can be my recovery buddy:)
Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!
Kimberly S.
On May 25, 2010...
Hi Diana

Well, you've down this countdown a couple of times now. Are you a pro yet? When all is said and done, you are going to have some really worthwhile thoughts to share. Just dropping by to say I'm thinking about you.

Cheryl, Ontario
On May 24, 2010...
Hi Diana

Maybe just don't answer your phone. Good luck with that.

keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there.

Cheryl, Ontario
On May 24, 2010...
I hope with all of your postponements of surgery that once 6/2 comes you sail through surgery and recovery. I know you must be feeling a little apprehensive as you count down once again, but this has to be it. This is why this journal is so valuable to all who read it. It helps you comprehend that things do happen and sometimes complications, cancellations, etc.. do happen, but that patients get through it and in almost every case things do turn out just fine. Some patients journeys are more difficult than others, but through prayer and sheer determination their road leads to the same result as someone else who had an easier journey. I have a plaque on the wall that I looked at everyday before surgery...If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it! I will be praying for you.
Theresa Callanan
On May 22, 2010...
Thanks so much for the ideas of what to pack for the hospital. It definitely helped. My mouth started feeling well enough to go out yesterday and my husband and I went to get the things I would need.
I am praying for your surgery to go as planned on the 2nd! I will be thinking of you and watching for updates.
Kimberly S.
On May 20, 2010...
Hi Diana
You are an amazing lady with a positive attitude. Glad you have wonderful weather to help relax you. You continue to be in my prayers.
Fran Z
On May 19, 2010...
Hey Diana! I can totally understand your frustration! I think Theresa has a good idea - find someone at the hospital you can vent your frustrations to. You might even see if you can express your frustration to the surgeon himself.
In the mean time I will continue to pray for you.
Take care!
Kathy Jamison-Patnode
On May 19, 2010...
Thank you for the thoughts and prayers! I'm thinking about you and hoping your day gets here quickly!
Kimberly S.
On May 19, 2010...
Hi Diana

What a bummer. You've got enough support here to storm the hospital but obviously there is a tie-up and you don't want to be the one the surgeon's rushing or jamming in. Things happen and unfortunately they're happening to you and for that I sympathize. I know you feel as if you are putting a lot of people on hold but they are wanting to be there for you so accept it for what it is. Try and enjoy some nice quality time and soak up some sun. If that doesn't work, have a good cry and put May 19th in the past.

Cheryl, Ontario
On May 18, 2010...
How frustrating for you and your family to face another delay! It is hard to give you advice, because I know I would be besides myself if I were in your shoes. The only thing I can say is that it is another beyond your control issue...you have to reach deep inside yourself and say it is what is meant to happen at this moment....so hard to do. Maybe it would help to talk to the coordinator or someone at the hospital and share your frustration...it will not change the situation but it might feel good to vent. I will be thinking of you.
Theresa Callanan
On May 18, 2010...
Diana, I'm so sorry to hear about yet another delay. I can't imagine how frustrated you must be. Still, Tim from Greenboro makes a good point that you don't want your surgeon to be tired when he gets to your surgery. Hang in there. Everyone in HVJ-land is pulling for you. Breathe.

Take care, Joy Vera
On May 18, 2010...
Oh Diana, don't know what to say. The mental trauma has got to be tough. The first time you had more notice, but this one was a day early. Am going to research the Geisinger Hospital. Is it a small hospital that doesn't have very many cardiac surgeons or operating suites? The posts before mine have given you good input especially the Serenity Prayer. I will add my prayers. Having family arrive and nothing for them to do is sad also. Sending you a big cyber hug.
Fran Z
On May 18, 2010...
I can only begin the roller coaster of emotions you must be on right now. It is hard enough when we prepare ourselves for a certain date, but then changing it at the last minute would really throw me for a loop. There is a reason that only God knows.My surgery is June 3rd, so I will be thinking of you as I go through mine and hope to read updates from you afterwards!
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Kimberly S.