On July 14, 2010...
Hi Anne,

Got your message regarding the National and will follow up. Being a hospitality person, I should have sent you a birthday cake, well maybe not. I am not a cake expert. Being from Buffalo, NY, I understand about humidity. The only answer is to stay indoors and that isn't much fun. (and I think you are all about fun) I wish you the best and will happily follow your recovery. After all, I may still have some silly questions about muffins and quiche, etc, etc. My advice, think about baby elk and forget about the coyotes.

Suzanne Fortner
On July 14, 2010...
Hi Anne,

Nice to hear all is going so well for you in Cleveland. I know today will be a busy day, but it is so easy to get around the clinic and the Miller pavilion.

I love your sense of calm and well being that you are expressing. You are in the best of hands, and you have great confidence in that.

Good luck this week!

Keller, TX
On July 14, 2010...
Hi Anne

Good for you for taking your surgery to where you feel comfortable, even if it meant a plane ride. I hope you enjoy your day in Cleveland seeing the sites and good luck with your testing and surgery. I agree that you should feel proud for being there.

Cheryl, Ontario
On July 14, 2010...
I forgot to sign my blog entry to you. Beth Fox
On July 14, 2010...
You have a wonderful attitude! I am so uplifted after reading your story and your blog entries. I am 6 weeks post surgery and doing great. I will definitely be looking forward to your updates..
On July 14, 2010...
Hi Anne,
I'm following your process leading to your surgery and beyond. I'm 6 weeks post-op, and I have to tell you that it wasn't bad at all. You have discomfort, but not any pain that you can't deal with. For about 3 to 4 days after surgery, I didn't remember much at all. I had my surgery on a Wednesday and I can say that I really don't remember much until about Sunday. Little bits and pieces before that, but not too much. You'll do great, I'm sure of it. Your at a great hospital, many people have gone to the CC to have their surgery and came through it with flying colors. I just had my 6 week checkup and got the ok to start driving again and was released from my surgeon. I'm feeling pretty good, I get tired quickly, but that is to be expected. Pain is quick tolerable, and I have my appointment to begin my cardiac rehab tomorrow. I'm really excited about starting that. I noticed a lot of my symptoms before surgery have disappeared. Really wonderful!!! Keep us up to date and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
On July 14, 2010...
It's hot here too, but doesn't have the advantage of increased hair volume. It all just flattens down under a hat! Next time you take Mom to the museum, you should be in the chair and she should push. Oh wait, next time you take Mom to the museum, you will have your new improved valve--better get a seat belt for the chair so Mom doesn't fall out as you race around the corners! We're thinking of you--Barb
On July 14, 2010...
Good Morning Anne
Glad you had a fun ? day with Mom. You are so blessed to still have her in your life. The next couple of days will be a whir and the big day will be here. You seem to have a great attitude and are well prepared for your surgery. You'll love the body prep you have to do the night before and morning of the surgery. They pride themselves on their very low infection rate. How long did you have to wait once they called and gave you your date? I had almost a 3 1/2 month wait. God taught me patience during that time. Positive thoughts and prayers going your way from FL.
On July 14, 2010...
Hi Anne,

You have been on my mind all week and especially this evening. We will be following you blog and keeping up to date on your progress. Just think when you come to visit we will have something fun to look at on the ultrasound equipment! Got to look on the bright side.
The heat finally arrived today. We have had such wonderful cool weather up until this week. Not fun now! Puppies were screeming at 11:30 am...let me in the garage where it is cool! They sure learn quickly. Yes still have the little buggers!
Hugs to you both and so glad you are having this done.
Love, Michele & Michael
On July 12, 2010...
All Calm on the Western Front:
Cabo and Ruby are having a wonderful time on the prairie. Cabo is in love with Mia; he trots after her; stands over her while she rests (kissing her ear) whilst I plant in the walk-out levels. Merger loves Ruby but alas! she prefers the older man, Sterling. And lastly, Stinger prefers Merger. A complex love triangle or quad(quint?)angle..Last night Cabo was the child of choice for the grooming table. Got a lot of hair brushed out; on to Sterling tonight (age must have some privilege). Have a happy birthday lunch with Mother..
On July 12, 2010...
Ms. Anne, I am sending my positive thoughts to you beginning today, and will continue to do so from Canada where I will be from the 14th - 19th. I will be hanging out with Lei T., Carol Gilbert, and the Mills pair, and we will all lift a glass to you on Friday morning. I'll be getting your updates by email, so will apparently know all the details in real time. All my love, and fur hugs to you and Erik from the critters -- I will be in touch very soon.
On July 12, 2010...

Have a safe trip to Cleveland. I hope you arranged for the free limo service from the airport. It was great.

Good luck with your tests . . . it was a pretty easy and well organized day. It's amazing how efficient they are considering how many patients are there at any one time.

Have fun shopping with mom!
On July 12, 2010...
Hi Anne
Just came across your journal this morning. I am also a CC alumna (March 18th). My surgeon was Dr. Gillinov. As others have said, you will be happy with how the hospital operates. There are hundreds of people who you'll see going through the massive lobby, but every step of my testing was on time and I was treated as a person not a number. Not an easy feat. They have a system that works. You'll even have a private room after you are moved from CICU. You will do well, you already have a conditioned heart due to living at altitude. They told me I had to remain in the area one day after surgery and then could fly home (FL). My brother in law lives 40 miles south of the airport and we stayed with them 3 days before flying home. Be sure to arrange for a wheelchair, you'll get VIP treatment all the way. Also apparently there is free limo service from the CC for airport travel. You will be in my prayers for surgery on the 16th. You will be fine.
On July 12, 2010...
Hello Anne,
Welcome to the membership of the Heart Valve journalists. I found this website to be a great asset in my journey through heart valve repair. I had a robotic repair of a prolapsed mitral valve on May 13th. Although I can't say it went without a hitch, I am now doing well at a little over eight weeks.Life is good again.
I'll be watching for updates and just want to wish you all the best,
Mary Ann Marko of sioux Falls SD
On July 11, 2010...
Hi Anne,
Wanted to wish you well once you get your new valve. I had aorta valve replacement on June 2nd and I'm doing really well. Was not as bad as I had imagined. Other than some discomfort, wasn't bad at all. You'll do well, and will feel like a brand new person afterwards. I will follow your progress, my thoughts and prayers are with you.
On July 10, 2010...
Hi Anne

Welcome to the site. I see you will be on your way this week so just wanted to drop a line and say good luck. I had mitral valve surgery in Oct/09 and am doing well. I personally found the whole thing wasn't really all that bad so I will be praying yours goes as well. I'll be following your journal and keeping you in my prayers.
Cheryl, Ontario
On July 10, 2010...
Hi Anne,

We will be following your journal entries and thinking of you every step of the way! Know that we will take wonderful care of Opal in your abscense!!

Love & Hugs,
Jen and all
On July 10, 2010...
Welcome, Anne. I know what you mean about feeling excited once you were actually scheduled. I'd describe my reaction more as relief. Something about knowing that date (7/21) just made me relax a bit. I can also relate to your comment about feeling as if you were functioning on all cylinders - me too.

One other thing we have in common - I lived in Colorado for 23 years, 11 of which were in Evergreen. We lived close to Kittredge, behind the Evergreen Nursery.

Best of luck to you & here's hoping that we are both smarter & breathing better very soon.

Joy Vera
On July 9, 2010...
I am thinking of you every day, Anne, and so glad that you plan to share some of the heat and humidity with us! it surely will speed your recovery and return to Colorado!
On July 8, 2010...
Hi Anne!

I'm happy to hear you've been reading my journal and you've found it helpful. It does sound like your surgery will be similar to mine.

I did not get a recliner but if I was having surgery again, I would. Not so much for sleeping - except for the first days out of the hospital, I was able to sleep fairly comfortably in my bed although it was a couple of weeks until I could sleep on my side. Perhaps a recliner would have been more comfortable. I really would have liked one for during the day. Our sofa is too soft and deep - I'm just now finding it comfortable to sit on. I have a good club chair that I had found comfortable when I herniated a disk in my back 8 years ago so I've been sitting in that during the day. It's been ok but sometimes my back - especially my shoulders - hurt from sitting in it so long. I've had stressless recliners in the past and although I love them, I'm not sure they'll work for you after surgery because you have to push them back with your back. I'm not sure you'll be able to do that. Some people have talked about recliners with electric motors for reclining. I think I'd look for one of those if I had it to do over.

I had surgery on Thursday and they were ready to discharge me on Tuesday. They ended up waiting until Wednesday at my request. My return flight was on Friday so I spent 2 nights back in the hotel. IF you can buy one-way tickets (without it costing an arm and a leg) I'd do that. Otherwise, it's pretty safe to assume you'll be ready to fly home 8 or nine days after surgery (maybe sooner). By the way, I did not have a follow-up appointment at the CC after discharge. Once they let me go on Wednesday, that was it.

Fran suggested elastic waist pants or skirt for wearing home because of all the fluids they pump into you. Although I was up 22 pounds after surgery, I had lost them all by the time I was discharged (thank you lasix!!) That said, I was very happy to have elastic waist pants to wear. They were comfortable, non-binding, and after surgery I found I liked everything to be loose! I had brought button-down shirts because I was concerned I wouldn't be able to lift my arms. I didn't find that to be the case. Since I've been home, I've only worn very soft cotton v-neck t-shirts. I find anything that touches my incision irritates it (and me!). That's still true 7 weeks later!

I didn't wear a bra for 2 weeks but I put one on to go out to dinner and found it didn't hit me anywhere sensitive so I probably could have worn one earlier. (My incision begins at the top of my cleavage and goes up 3 inches.)

I took my first shower on Monday (day 5) but could have taken one on Sunday but the timing didn't workout (waiting for various procedures and such). They do have dry shampoo you can use before you are allowed to take a shower but I didn't bother. I didn't need any help in the shower - but you do have to stand with you back to the shower because of the incision and wires - just let the water trickle over your shoulders. Bring your own shampoo - they provide soap but not shampoo (maybe if I had asked??)

I think I addressed all your questions. I know I had a million of them so don't hesitate to ask!!

On July 8, 2010...
Hi Anne,

Welcome to the group. You have made a great choice in travelling to CC for your surgery. Like Ricki, I am a May 5 graduate of Aortic Valve replacement from CC with Dr. Gillinov. You are in great hands, and it is terrific your mom is close by.

When I had my surgery I had to change my flights, due to a small complication which meant a few more days in Cleveland. If I had it to do all over again I probably just booked a one way ticket to Cleveland, then bought the one way home once I knew the real exit date. If you change the back end of a round trip ticket you are looking at $100 per ticket change fees, and then you have to pay the difference in whatever the fare is you were booked for compared to the one day purchase so a double whammy. Travel insurance will not help you as they have caveats about medical issues.

If you decide to go ahead and buy the round trip in advance you might think about Sat or Sun as your return date. Much less people traffic at the airports than on Fri, which is a very busy travel day, plus you hedge your bet on hoping for being able to travel on the seventh day.

You will be taking a shower by the third or fourth day after surgery. I planned a button up shirt for the trip home, which was good as I ended up with a median sternotomy as I had a couple other issues addressed during my surgery which required working room.

You are in the very best of hands. They do a great job at CC, and it sounds like you have done all your homework and are ready to go. Everything pretty much follows the course as outlined in Adam's book, except I would say CC is more sensitive to the patient than what I expected; and all in all it was an easier experience than what I expected.

Best wishes to you as you begin your journey.. Let us know how you are doing..


Keller, TX

On July 8, 2010...

Let me welcome you to HVJ! As you've discovered, it's a great place to get information, support, and to vent (when necessary)!

I had an aortic valve replacement at the Cleveland Clinic (Dr. Sabik) on May 20th and everything went as smoothly as can be imagined. It's a wonderful place and you'll get great care. Today is my 7 week anniversary, I've started rehab, and I feel great. I can barely see my incision scar (it's 3 inches long - my internist can't believe they could get their fingers in there!). 7 weeks ago I wouldn't have believed I'd feel this good.

Please feel free to ask any questions you have and my best wishes for a successful surgery and fast recovery.

Ricki Shine